A password is 5 letters long. What is the probability of getting it correct?

wow.wel cases like these we are going to use a permutation formula which is:nPr=n!/(n-r)! nw 26P5=26/(26-5)! were n=26 and r=5 xo nw we ave 26P5=26!/21!

26*25*24*23*22*21*20*19*18*17*16*15*14*13*12*11*10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1/21*20*19*18*17*16*15*14*13*12*11*10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1=328900.xo the probability of getting it correct=328900

Is the password case sensitive ?

It usually is, so
number of ways to arrange 5 letters
= 52^5 also assuming that letters can be repeated

only one of these is correct
prob(getting it right) = 1/52^5
= 1/380204032

To calculate the probability of guessing a 5-letter password correctly, we need to know the total number of possible passwords and the number of correct passwords.

1. Total number of possible passwords:
Since the password is 5 letters long, and we assume each letter can be any uppercase or lowercase letter of the English alphabet, the total number of possible passwords is 26^5 (26 options for each letter, and 5 letters in total).

2. Number of correct passwords:
If you have no additional information about the password, we assume it can be any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters. Therefore, the number of correct passwords is also 26^5.

Now, we can calculate the probability of guessing the password correctly:

Probability = Number of correct passwords / Total number of possible passwords
Probability = (26^5) / (26^5)
Probability = 1

So, the probability of randomly guessing a 5-letter password correctly is 1. However, note that this assumes an equal chance of any possible combination being the correct password and no additional information about the password. In real-world scenarios, passwords often have certain requirements or are chosen with specific patterns, making the probability of guessing them correctly much lower.