If a, b, c, d are 4 different numbers, then the line joining R(-a,b) and S(-c,-d) has the same slope as the line joining T(a,-d) and

A) (c,b)
B) (-c,b)
C) (c,-b)
D) (-c,-b)

slope RS = (-d-b)/(-c+a) or (d+b)/(c-a)

test for slope going through T

slope TA = (b+d)/(c-a) ----> that is correct
slope TB = (b+d)/(-c-a)
slope TC = (-b+d)/(c-a)
slope TD = (-b+d)/(-c-a)

use an actual example to illustrate:

a=3, b=4, c=2 , d=5
let R be (-3,4) and S be ( -2,-5) and plot them
slope RS = -9/1 = 9/-1 = -9

so the new given point is T(a,-d) or T(3,-5)
let S be (x,y)
y+5 =9 and x-3=-1
y = 4, and x = 2 which would be (c,b), choice A

or y+5 = -9 and x-3=1
y = -13 and x = 4 none of the given