draw a square on the graph paper whose each side of the length 5 centimetre and then make partition of the square into 25 small squares as soon in figure 1.1 each square is small square have its height and length 1 centimetre

Have you drawn the square?

To draw a square on the graph paper with each side measuring 5 centimeters, follow these steps:

1. Start by finding a suitable starting point on the graph paper for drawing the square.
2. Measure 5 centimeters horizontally from the starting point and make a mark.
3. Measure another 5 centimeters vertically from the starting point and make a mark.
4. Connect the two marks using a straight line to form one side of the square.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 to draw the other three sides of the square, connecting the marks with straight lines.
6. Now that you have your square, you can proceed to partition it into 25 smaller squares.

To partition the square into 25 small squares, each with a height and length of 1 centimeter, follow these steps:

1. Divide one side of the square into 5 equal parts using vertical lines. Each part will be 1 centimeter in length.
2. Repeat step 1 for the remaining three sides of the square.
3. Connect the corresponding marks on the vertical lines with horizontal lines to create a grid within the square.
4. The resulting grid will consist of 25 smaller squares, each with a height and length of 1 centimeter.

By following these instructions, you will have successfully drawn a square on the graph paper with each side measuring 5 centimeters and partitioned it into 25 small squares, each with a height and length of 1 centimeter.