A pair of boots has an original price of $95. They are on sale for 35 percent off. What number can you multiply $95 by to equal the discounted price of $61.75?


A pair of boots has an original price of $95. They are on sale for 35 percent off. What number can you multiply $95 by to equal the discounted price of $61.75?A pair of boots has an original price of $95. They are on sale for 35 percent off. What number can you multiply $95 by to equal the discounted price of $61.75?A pair of boots has an original price of $95. They are on sale for 35 percent off. What number can you multiply $95 by to equal the discounted price of $61.75?

dude we've read the question now give us the answer stop just saying the question

To find the number you can multiply $95 by to equal the discounted price of $61.75, we need to calculate the percentage of the original price that corresponds to the discounted price.

First, let's find out what percentage of the original price is represented by the discounted price. We know that the boots are on sale for 35 percent off, so the discounted price represents 100 percent minus 35 percent of the original price.

Mathematically, we calculate this as:

Discounted price = Original price - (35 percent of Original price)

Let's plug in the values we have:

$61.75 = $95 - (35 percent of $95)

To find the percentage of a value, we multiply the value by the percentage in decimal form (e.g., 35 percent as 0.35).


$61.75 = $95 - (0.35 * $95)

Simplifying further:

$61.75 = $95 - $33.25

To isolate the original price ($95) on one side of the equation, we need to subtract $61.75 from both sides:

$61.75 - $61.75 = $95 - $33.25

This simplifies to:

$0 = $61.75 - $33.25

$0 = $28.50

This equation is not valid because $0 is not equal to $28.50. It appears there is an error in the calculations or the given discounted price.

Please double-check the values provided to ensure accuracy.

A pair of boots has an original price of $95. They are on sale for 35 percent off. What number can you multiply $95 by to equal the discounted price of $61.75?

Lenord -- you must have forgotten to read this before you posted these questions.

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