Consider the point (5,7) which lies on line l in the coordinate plane. Could y=7/5x represent line l?

you are correct.

check to see whether

7 = (7/5)(5)

what do you think?

It's 7=7. So it does represent line l, right?

consider the point p (-2,1) and the line l: x+y=2

find slope of l

To determine if the equation y = (7/5)x represents line l, we need to check if the point (5,7) satisfies the equation.

The equation y = (7/5)x represents a line in slope-intercept form, where the coefficient of x (7/5) is the slope of the line, and the constant term (0) is the y-intercept.

To check if the point (5,7) lies on the line, substitute the x and y coordinates of the point into the equation and see if both sides are equal:

y = (7/5)x

Substituting x = 5 and y = 7:

7 = (7/5)(5)

Simplifying the expression on the right side:

7 = 7

Since both sides are equal, we can conclude that the point (5,7) lies on the line represented by the equation y = (7/5)x. Therefore, the equation y = (7/5)x can indeed represent line l.