What was the purpose of account of the Maccabean Revolt? Who was the intended audience?


Ms Sue I am not understanding that is the Maccabean Revolt written for the gentiles to read in the future? Or is it for the Jews so they are aware of the past

As I understand it, this account was written for the Jews.


The purpose of the account of the Maccabean Revolt was to document the events and achievements of the Jewish rebellion against the Syrian Greeks, which took place in the 2nd century BCE. The account serves as a historical record of the struggle for religious freedom and independence, led primarily by the Maccabees, a Jewish priestly family.

As for the intended audience, the account was likely aimed at the Jewish community itself, as well as future generations, in order to preserve and pass down the memory of these significant events. It sought to inspire and educate Jews about their history, especially the importance of standing up against oppression and fighting for religious autonomy.