Question: In lesson plan, we can see two items; one is 'Registration Number' and the other is 'Identity Number.' What is the difference between them. -- Two or three applcants for teaching at school will come and start teaching for demonstration for about 10 minutes. --

I'm not sure.

Registration number might be referring to the number given to each applicant as he or she applies for the job.

Identity number might be a permanent number assigned to each person, no matter what he or she applies for.

But ... I'm not really sure.

To understand the difference between a 'Registration Number' and an 'Identity Number' in a lesson plan, let's break it down:

1. Registration Number: This number is typically assigned to an individual when they register or sign up for a particular event, program, or organization. In the context of a lesson plan, the registration number is used to uniquely identify the applicants who are participating in the teaching demonstration. It helps keep track of their attendance and other administrative purposes. The registration number is usually provided by the organizer or institution conducting the event.

2. Identity Number: An identity number, on the other hand, is a unique numerical code or identifier that is associated with an individual's identity. In some cases, it may be similar to a social security number or national identification number. The identity number is usually used for official purposes to verify and confirm the identity of an individual, such as in official records, government processes, or legal documentation.

In the given context of the teaching demonstration, it seems that the registration number is used to identify and track the applicants participating in the event, while the identity number may not be directly relevant or necessary for this particular activity. However, it's always recommended to consult the specific guidelines or instructions provided by the organizers to get a clear understanding of their expectations and requirements related to these numbers.