Lesson Plan

Standards Addressed:
General Goal9s):
Specific Objectives:

In a leson plan, what is 'Standards Addressed'?

Standards are statements written and agreed on by all concerned (teachers, parents, administrators). Standards state what students in a particular grade level in a particular course are to master by the end of that grade.

Here are examples of standards written for what students should know and be able to do by the end of 9th grade in the US:

(from http://www.corestandards.org/read-the-standards/ )

Sorry ... that should read "... by the end of 10th grade ... "

In a lesson plan, the term "Standards Addressed" refers to the educational standards or learning goals that are being targeted or covered in the lesson. These standards are typically set by educational authorities or organizations and describe what students should know and be able to do at different grade levels or in specific subjects.

When creating a lesson plan, it is important for teachers to align their instruction and assessments with these standards to ensure that students are meeting the expected learning outcomes. The "Standards Addressed" section of a lesson plan provides a clear indication of which specific standards are being addressed during the lesson.

To identify the standards addressed in a lesson plan, you can follow these steps:

1. Review the curriculum: Understand the curriculum documents or guidelines provided by your educational institution or district. These usually outline the standards that need to be covered.

2. Analyze the lesson content: Determine the main concepts or skills that will be taught during the lesson. Consider the subject area, grade level, and any specific topics or themes being covered.

3. Cross-reference with standards: Match the concepts and skills identified in the lesson to the corresponding standards in the curriculum documents. Pay attention to the specific objectives or learning outcomes included in the standards.

4. List the standards addressed: In the "Standards Addressed" section of the lesson plan, clearly indicate the standard codes or descriptions. This helps to communicate the educational relevance of the lesson and ensures that both teachers and students are aware of the intended learning outcomes.

Remember, the standards addressed in a lesson plan should be specific and relevant to the subject matter being taught. They provide a framework for educators to effectively plan and assess student learning.