find the product of the square root of 25 and each of the five answers. when the five answers are 12, 18, 8/3, 8/3, 18.2

I assume your are looking for

(√25)x = 12

5x = 12
x = 12/5

Repeat the above for each of the others

im so lost its suppose to be one large #

To find the product of the square root of 25 and each of the five given answers, we can simply multiply the square root of 25 by each of the given numbers.

First, let's calculate the square root of 25. The square root of 25 is 5 because 5 multiplied by itself (5 * 5) equals 25.

Now, we'll multiply the square root of 25 (which is 5) by each of the five given answers:

1. Square root of 25 * 12 = 5 * 12 = 60
2. Square root of 25 * 18 = 5 * 18 = 90
3. Square root of 25 * 8/3 = 5 * (8/3) = (5 * 8) / 3 = 40/3
4. Square root of 25 * 8/3 = 5 * (8/3) = (5 * 8) / 3 = 40/3
5. Square root of 25 * 18.2 = 5 * 18.2 = 91

So, the products of the square root of 25 and each of the given answers are:

1. 60
2. 90
3. 40/3 or 13 1/3
4. 40/3 or 13 1/3
5. 91