Which of the following is NOT a common result of culture contact?

None, apparently.

To determine which of the following is NOT a common result of culture contact, you will need to identify the potential outcomes of such contact and then assess which option does not fit. Culture contact refers to the interaction and exchange of ideas, beliefs, customs, and practices between different cultures. The possible outcomes of culture contact include:

1. Acculturation: This occurs when one culture adopts certain aspects of another culture through direct or indirect contact. It involves the adoption of new ideas, behaviors, or customs.

2. Assimilation: Assimilation happens when individuals from one culture adopt the norms, values, and behaviors of another culture to the extent that their original culture diminishes or disappears.

3. Cultural diffusion: This is the spread of cultural beliefs, practices, or ideas from one society to another through social interactions, trade, migration, or communication. It results in the blending or mixing of cultures.

4. Cultural syncretism: This refers to the merging or blending of different cultural practices, beliefs, or traditions to create a new, hybrid culture.

Therefore, to determine which option is NOT a common result of culture contact, you will need to examine the given choices and assess their compatibility with the aforementioned outcomes of culture contact.