Please tell me the adjectives in the following sentences.

1)She was blind and deaf but had some sense of touch.
2)Samuel Howe had helped countless handicapped people at Perkins inst.
3) he used unique three sided wooden letters to teach Laura words
4) others doubted whether that simple method would help his unusual student
5) Laura, bright and eager had unlimited desire to learn
6) Laura received much attention for these first accomplishments

Adjectives describe or modify nouns and pronouns. They tell which, what kind of or how many.

I'll get you started.

1) The adjectives are "blind" and "deaf." They what kind of and modify "She."

2) The adjectives are "countless," which tells how many, and "handicapped," which tells what kind of. Both modify people.

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I'll be glad to check your answers for the other sentences.

For number 3 the adjective is three sided and wooden?

4)simple and unusual?
6) much and first?

5)unlimited? -- Yes. Also bright, eager

The rest are correct. :-)

On number one is some an adjective because it's describing sense? Thank you

Yes. I'm sorry, but I missed "some" in the first sentence.

Good catch!

A blind lady is crossing the road

To identify the adjectives in the given sentences, we need to look for words that describe or modify nouns.

1) She was blind and deaf but had some sense of touch.
- The adjectives in this sentence are "blind" and "deaf." They describe the nouns "she."

2) Samuel Howe had helped countless handicapped people at Perkins inst.
- The adjective in this sentence is "handicapped." It describes the noun "people."

3) He used unique three-sided wooden letters to teach Laura words.
- The adjectives in this sentence are "unique," "three-sided," and "wooden." They describe the noun "letters."

4) Others doubted whether that simple method would help his unusual student.
- The adjectives in this sentence are "simple" and "unusual." They describe the nouns "method" and "student," respectively.

5) Laura, bright and eager, had an unlimited desire to learn.
- The adjectives in this sentence are "bright" and "eager." They describe the noun "Laura."

6) Laura received much attention for these first accomplishments.
- The adjective in this sentence is "first." It describes the noun "accomplishments."

By identifying the nouns in the sentences and looking for words that describe or modify them, we can identify the adjectives in each sentence.