Which of the following groups of people is not majorly impacted by mandatory minimum sentences for crack cocaine? (Points : 1)

Which following groups?

"majorly impacted" -- what do those words even mean?

To determine which of the following groups of people is not majorly impacted by mandatory minimum sentences for crack cocaine, you would need to evaluate the impact of mandatory minimum sentences on each group and identify the group that is least affected. Here are some steps you can follow to get the answer:

1. Gather information about mandatory minimum sentences for crack cocaine
- Understand what mandatory minimum sentences are and how they are applied in the case of crack cocaine offenses.
- Research the history, policies, and statistics related to mandatory minimum sentences for crack cocaine.

2. Identify the groups of people impacted by mandatory minimum sentences for crack cocaine
- Determine the different racial, socioeconomic, and demographic groups that have been disproportionately affected by these sentences.
- Consider factors such as incarceration rates, sentencing disparities, and the impact on specific communities.

3. Evaluate the impact on each group
- Analyze the research and data available to assess the degree of impact on each group.
- Look for patterns, statistics, and case studies that highlight the impact on various groups.

4. Compare the impact on different groups
- Compare the findings from Step 3 to determine which group is least impacted.
- Consider factors such as the proportion of individuals affected, severity of sentencing, and other relevant factors.

By following these steps, you should be able to determine which of the following groups of people is not majorly impacted by mandatory minimum sentences for crack cocaine.