which of the following is not scalar quantity.


It's the third one, the 10.0m/s[E] since it has direction, which makes it a 'vector' quantity.

The other three choices only measure the speed, while 10.0m/s[E] is velocity.

Well, well, well! Let's have some fun tackling this question. Out of these options, the quantity that is not scalar, meaning it has both magnitude and direction, is 10.0m/s[E]. Why? Because the letter "E" in the unit indicates the direction, making it a vector quantity. It's like giving an address to a velocity, telling it where to go. So, 10.0m/s[E] is the odd one out!

The scalar quantity is a physical quantity that can be fully described by its magnitude alone. It does not have any directional aspect.

Out of the given options, the only one that is not a scalar quantity is 10.0m/s[E].

This quantity indicates a velocity of 10.0 m/s in the east direction. Since it has a directional aspect, it is considered a vector quantity rather than a scalar quantity.

To determine which of the given quantities is not a scalar quantity, we need to understand the differences between scalar and vector quantities.

Scalar quantities are physical quantities that have only magnitude and no specific direction associated with them. They can be completely described by their numerical value.

On the other hand, vector quantities have both magnitude and direction associated with them. They require information about both the magnitude and the direction to be fully described.

Let's analyze each given quantity:

1. 0.20m - This is a scalar quantity since it has only magnitude and no direction.

2. 5.0m/s - This is a vector quantity. It represents velocity, which has both magnitude (5.0 m/s) and direction (not specified in the given options).

3. 10.0m/s[E] - This is also a vector quantity. It represents velocity with a magnitude of 10.0 m/s and a specific direction (east).

4. 110 km/h - This is a scalar quantity since it has only magnitude and no direction.

So, the vector quantity among the given options is 5.0m/s.

To determine whether a quantity is scalar or vector, you need to look for any information about direction associated with the quantity. If direction is mentioned, it is a vector quantity; otherwise, it is a scalar quantity.