There is no difference between the number of males or females who go to their primary care physician for an annual exam.

very likely false.


To determine whether there is a difference between the number of males and females who go to their primary care physician for an annual exam, you would typically need access to relevant data or statistics. Here's how you can obtain such information and analyze it:

1. Identify the population: Specify which population you are interested in, such as a specific country or region.
2. Gather data: Collect data on the number of males and females who visit their primary care physician for an annual exam. This data can come from various sources, such as healthcare providers, government health agencies, or survey data.
3. Determine the sample size: Determine the sample size for each group (males and females) to ensure that the data you have is representative of the population.
4. Calculate proportions: Calculate the proportion of males and females who visit their primary care physician for an annual exam. Divide the number of males or females by the total number of individuals in the respective group.
5. Statistical analysis: To determine if there is a statistically significant difference between the two proportions, you can perform a statistical test, such as a chi-square test or a z-test.
- Chi-square test: This test evaluates if there is a significant association between two categorical variables (male/female and annual exam attendance).
- Z-test: This test compares two proportions and determines if there is a significant difference between them.
6. Interpret the results: Based on the statistical analysis, if the p-value (a measure of statistical significance) is below a predetermined threshold (such as 0.05), it suggests that there may be a significant difference in the proportion of males and females attending annual exams.

Remember that without access to specific data, it is not possible to provide a definitive answer to your statement. Gathering data and conducting statistical analysis will help you determine if there is a difference between the number of males and females attending annual exams.