Complete the following sentences, using going to wherever possible and will or shall in other cases :

1 The gardener_____(water) the lawn if we tell him.

2 He____(clean) his room this evening.

I'll be glad to check your answers.

To complete the sentences using "going to" wherever possible and "will" or "shall" in other cases:

1. The gardener is going to water the lawn if we tell him.
Explanation: "Going to" is used to talk about planned or intended future actions. In this case, the action of the gardener watering the lawn is dependent on us informing him.

2. He will clean his room this evening.
Explanation: "Will" is used to express future actions or predictions. In this case, it indicates the speaker's belief or expectation that he will clean his room in the evening.

Note: "Shall" can also be used instead of "will" to indicate future actions, but it is less commonly used and often limited to specific contexts or formal situations.


