A parent with type AB blood could not produce a child with type 

A. AB.
B. A.
C. B.
D. O.

I am stuck!

My sister said D, but I still wasn't sure.


They can pass down either an A or B allele, which would mean their child could only be A, B, or AB. If the other parent is type O, the child's blood type will be the allele he/she got from the AB parent.

A child can only be O if it inherits an O allele from BOTH parents.

Parents are AB- RH NEG and A+ RH+. What blood type could their children be?

To determine which blood types can be produced by a parent with type AB blood, we need to consider the possible combinations of blood types from both parents.

Type AB blood is known as the universal recipient because individuals with this blood type can receive blood from anyone (A, B, AB, or O). However, when it comes to the genetics of blood types, the child's blood type is determined by the combination of the parent's blood types.

A person with type AB blood has both A and B antigens on their red blood cells, while their plasma does not contain antibodies against either A or B antigens.

The possible blood types of the parents are as follows:

- The parent with type AB blood has the genotype AB (IAIB).
- The other parent's blood type can vary, but let's assume they have type A blood with the genotype AO (IAi), as an example.

To find out which blood types the child could have, we need to examine the possible combinations of blood types between the parents. By using Punnett squares, we can see that the possible genotypes and resulting blood types are:

IAIB (parent with AB blood) × IAi (other parent with A blood)
| IA | i <-- possible genotypes of the other parent
IA | IAIA | IAi <-- resulting blood types for the child

From the Punnett square, we see that the child can have blood types IA or IB, making the possible blood types for the child: AB (IAIB) or A (IAi). Therefore, the correct answer to the question is D. O, as a parent with type AB blood cannot produce a child with type O blood.