What fundamental force is the reason behind the following and why:

1. Ice ring formation around Saturn
2. Aging and sagging of the skin
3. Lightning
4. Navigation using a compass
5. A neutron transforming into a proton
6. The variety of elements as seen in the periodic table
7. Gold remains to be gold
A neutron is attracted near a proton

No using internet for answers! Bad!

Lol sir. magalong! Answer it na kasi

Oh NO i need the answer :((

Same haha

1. The fundamental force behind the formation of ice rings around Saturn is gravity. Gravity is the force of attraction between two objects with mass. In the case of Saturn's ice rings, gravity plays a crucial role in pulling together dust and ice particles orbiting the planet. Over time, these particles accumulate and form rings due to the gravitational pull of Saturn.

2. The aging and sagging of the skin can be attributed to the fundamental force of gravity as well. Gravity constantly pulls everything towards the center of the Earth. As we age, the skin loses its elasticity, and the force of gravity causes it to sag and droop.

3. Lightning is caused by the fundamental force of electricity. It occurs due to the build-up of electric charges in the atmosphere, primarily between negatively charged clouds and positively charged ground or other clouds. When the electric potential difference becomes high enough, a discharge, known as a lightning strike, occurs, which is essentially the movement of electrons between the charged regions.

4. Navigation using a compass relies on Earth's magnetic field, which is associated with the fundamental force of magnetism. The Earth has a magnetic field that is generated by the movement of molten iron within its outer core. A compass contains a magnet that aligns itself with Earth's magnetic field. By understanding the magnetic field's orientation, we can determine directions using a compass.

5. The transformation of a neutron into a proton is related to the fundamental force called the weak force. The weak force is responsible for certain nuclear processes, such as beta decay. In beta decay, a neutron can transform into a proton, emitting an electron and an antineutrino in the process. This process occurs due to the weak force's ability to change the flavor of elementary particles.

6. The variety of elements in the periodic table can be explained by the fundamental forces of electromagnetism and the strong force. Electromagnetism governs the interactions between charged particles, such as electrons and protons, and is responsible for the arrangement of electrons within atoms. The strong force holds atomic nuclei together by overcoming the electrostatic repulsion between protons. The combination of these forces allows for the existence of different elements with varying numbers of protons, which determine their unique chemical properties.

7. Gold remains gold due to the fundamental forces of electromagnetism and the stability of its atomic nucleus. Electromagnetism governs the interactions between gold's electrons and protons, dictating its chemical behavior and properties. The fact that gold retains its atomic structure and does not undergo spontaneous decay is due to the strong force, which keeps the nucleus stable by binding protons and neutrons together.