on a map that is drawn to scale 9 inches represents a distance of d miles. What represents d + 1 miles on the map

d miles correspond with 9 inches on the map

so 1 mile corresponds to 9/d inches
d+1 miles corresponds to (9/d)(d+1) inches on the map

doodle with (9/d)(d+1) any way you want.

x = 9(d+1)


X equals:


To find out what represents d + 1 miles on the map, we need to determine the scale of the map. The given information tells us that 9 inches represents a distance of d miles.

To calculate the scale, we can use the ratio of distance on the map to the actual distance:
Scale = Distance on the map / Actual distance

In this case, the distance on the map is 9 inches, and the actual distance is d miles.

So, the scale of the map is 9 inches / d miles.

To find what represents d + 1 miles on the map, we can multiply the scale of the map by (d + 1) miles:
Representation of (d + 1) miles = Scale × (d + 1) miles

Substituting the scale of the map, we have:
Representation of (d + 1) miles = (9 inches / d miles) × (d + 1) miles

Simplifying the expression, we get:
Representation of (d + 1) miles = 9 inches × (d + 1) / d

Therefore, the representation of (d + 1) miles on the map is 9 inches multiplied by (d + 1) divided by d.