How do you solve the equation for finding the principal when the interest, rate, and time are given? I know the formula P=Interest over rate x time. how do you find the solution or amswer?


Divide both sides by RT

I/RT = P

To solve for the principal (P) in the equation P = (Interest / Rate) x Time, you need to follow these steps:

1. Make sure all values are in the correct units. The interest rate (Rate) should be in decimal form (e.g., 5% = 0.05), and the time (Time) should be in the same units as the interest rate (e.g., years).

2. Multiply the interest (Interest) by the time (Time).

3. Divide the result from step 2 by the interest rate (Rate).

4. The quotient is the principal (P).

Here's an example to illustrate the process:

Suppose the interest is $500, the interest rate is 0.08 (or 8%), and the time is 3 years.

Step 1: Confirm that the interest rate is in decimal form.
Rate = 0.08

Step 2: Multiply the interest by the time.
Interest x Time = $500 x 3 = $1500

Step 3: Divide the result from step 2 by the interest rate.
Principal = $1500 / 0.08 = $18,750

Therefore, the principal (P) for this example is $18,750.

To solve for the principal (P) in an equation where the interest, rate, and time are given, you can use the formula P = (Interest / Rate) x Time. Here's how you can find the solution or answer:

1. Identify the values given:
- Interest: The amount of interest earned or charged.
- Rate: The interest rate per time period (e.g., per year).
- Time: The duration for which the interest is calculated.

2. Substitute the given values into the formula:
- Replace "Interest" with the given interest value.
- Replace "Rate" with the given rate value.
- Replace "Time" with the given time value.

3. Perform the necessary calculations:
- Divide the given interest value by the given rate value.
- Multiply the result by the given time value.

4. Simplify the expression:
- Multiply the quotient obtained in step 3 by the given time value.
- This will give you the principal (P).

For example, let's say you have an interest of $500, an interest rate of 5%, and a time period of 2 years. Using the formula P = (Interest / Rate) x Time:

P = ($500 / 0.05) x 2
P = $10,000

Therefore, the principal (P) would be $10,000 in this case.

Make sure to keep units consistent throughout the calculation, such as converting the interest rate to a decimal form (e.g., 5% = 0.05) if necessary.