Marie and Pierre Curie coined which term to describe the ability of certain elements to give off radiation spontaneously?

(**=my answer)

NVM I got it

what is the answer

P.S I need help ASP

You're right.

I know XD

Yes, your answer is correct. Marie and Pierre Curie coined the term "radioactivity" to describe the ability of certain elements to give off radiation spontaneously.

To arrive at this answer, you can use a couple of methods. One option is to rely on prior knowledge or general information about the subject. In this case, if you are familiar with the topic of radioactivity and the contributions of Marie and Pierre Curie, you would know that they made significant discoveries in this field.

Alternatively, you can utilize search engines or credible sources to look up the term "radioactivity" and its association with Marie and Pierre Curie. By searching keywords such as "Marie and Pierre Curie," "term for elements giving off radiation," or similar variations, you will find information confirming that they indeed coined the term "radioactivity."