Some historic causes of poverty include?

Lack of jobs. Lack of status. Lack of food. Lack of education.

my assignment says to focus on a specific cause, so can i say lack of jobs?

which cause do u think had more information? since i have to provide a thorough background, etc

I posted that website to give you information to start your research.

Some historic causes of poverty include:

1. Colonialism: The colonization of many parts of the world by European powers in the past has had long-lasting effects on the economic systems and development of these nations. It often resulted in the exploitation of resources without providing fair compensation, leading to poverty among the local populations.

2. Slavery: The Atlantic slave trade and other forms of slavery have contributed to the economic disparities between nations. Slavery deprived individuals and communities of their labor, opportunities, and resources, which had long-term negative economic consequences.

3. Unequal distribution of resources: Historically, societies have often experienced unequal distribution of land, wealth, and resources. This has resulted in the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few individuals or groups, while the majority of the population remains impoverished.

4. Political corruption: Corruption among governments and officials has often hindered economic development and perpetuated poverty. Mismanagement of funds, embezzlement, and bribery divert resources meant for public welfare and infrastructure development, leaving the population in poverty.

5. Lack of access to education and healthcare: In many parts of the world, limited access to quality education and healthcare has contributed to the perpetuation of poverty. Without access to education, people lack the skills and opportunities to improve their livelihoods, while inadequate healthcare leads to ill health and reduced productivity.

To research further on historic causes of poverty, you can explore books, academic articles, and documentaries on the topics of colonialism, slavery, economic history, resource distribution, political corruption, and socio-economic disparities. Additionally, you can consult reputable historical sources, online databases, and scholarly journals to gain more in-depth knowledge about specific regions or time periods.