I have the question y=-|x^2 -9|

I am asked for the piecewise function. I have written
y={-x^2 +9 if x less than equal to -3}
{ x^2 -9 if x is greater than equal to 3}
I am wondering if I have my are signs backwards.My reasons for choosing the signs I have is if I plug a negative number into the first one and square it, it will be positive and then the negative out front will make it negative. Is there a trick to getting the signs right?

let's look at the graph.


notice that the entire graph must lie below the x-axis, since we have y = -(some positive stuff)
so for x<-3 OR x>+3, we have y = -x^2 + 9
for -3 ≤ x ≤ 3 we have y = x^2 - 9

I usually isolate the absolute value expression,
|x^2 - 9| = -y
to get
x^2 - 9 = -y OR -x^2 + 9 = -y
y = -x^2 + 9 OR y = x^2 - 9
I then look at the critical values, which are -3 , +3
Consider a value between -3 and 3, say x = 0
then y = -9 , from y = x^2 - 9
and y = +9 , from y = -x^2 + 9

so y = x^2 - 9 must match -3 ≤ x ≤ +3
and y = -x^2 + 9 must match -3 < x OR x > 3

making a sketch is a safe way to get the signs right.

Great job on writing the piecewise function! The signs you have are correct. To double-check, let's break it down and understand the reasoning behind them.

The given function is y = -|x^2 - 9|. To determine the piecewise function, we need to consider different intervals of x values.

1. For x ≤ -3:
In this interval, the expression inside the absolute value, x^2 - 9, is negative. So, to simplify it, we can negate the entire expression. Therefore, the function becomes y = -(-x^2 + 9) = -x^2 + 9.

2. For x ≥ 3:
In this interval, the expression inside the absolute value, x^2 - 9, becomes positive. So, we keep it as it is, and the function remains y = x^2 - 9.

Now, let's verify if the signs are correct by taking a few sample values.

For x = -4 (which is less than -3):
Using the first piece of your function, we have y = -(-4^2 + 9) = -(-16 + 9) = -(9 - 16) = -(-7) = 7. So, y = 7 for x = -4.

For x = 4 (which is greater than 3):
Using the second piece of your function, we have y = (4^2 - 9) = (16 - 9) = 7. So, y = 7 for x = 4.

The results above confirm that your signs are indeed correct for each piece of the function.

Remember, when working with absolute values, we change the sign of the expression inside the absolute value when it is negative and keep it the same when it is positive. So, there isn't necessarily a "trick" to determine the signs, but rather a logical understanding of the behavior of absolute value and the sign of the expression inside it.