n 2007 Google Maps unveiled Street View. What does this feature allow you to do?

Street View is a feature available in Google Maps, Google Earth and Google Maps for mobile that allows users to explore the world through 360-degree street-level imagery.

(from the google website for street view)

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In 2007 Google Maps unveiled Street View what does this feature allow you to do?

In 2007 Google Maps unveiled Street View. What does this feature allow you to do? (

The Street View feature on Google Maps allows users to virtually explore and navigate through panoramic street-level images of various locations around the world. With this feature, users can view and explore streets, neighborhoods, landmarks, and even their own house or office from the comfort of their computer or mobile device.

To access Street View on Google Maps, follow these steps:
1. Open Google Maps on your computer or mobile device.
2. Search for a specific location or zoom in on an area of interest.
3. Once you have selected a location, drag and drop the small orange Pegman icon onto the map. You can find this icon on the lower right side of the screen on the desktop version or at the bottom of the screen on the mobile app.
4. The map will now switch to Street View mode, displaying the panoramic images of the selected location. You can explore the area by clicking and dragging the screen, or by using the on-screen navigation controls.
5. Move along the street by clicking on the arrows that appear on the screen or by simply clicking on a point further down the road.
6. You can also use the search bar in Street View mode to find specific addresses or places within the panoramic view.

Street View offers users a highly immersive and interactive way to explore different places and get a better understanding of their surroundings.