Dragonwings by Laurence yep

What conflict is left unresolved at the end?

Dragonwings C. 12

1. D
2. B
3. A,B
4. C
5. C
6. C
7. D
8. D
9. D
10. B,C
11. A

thank you so much mystery !

is the answers 100% correct?

Yes, Mystery is 100% correct for students attending Connections Academy/ Connexus. Those answers are for the Dragonwings Chapter 12 Quiz.

Thanks Mystery!

!@#$%^&k !@#$%^&t YA Boys He is right

Mystery is 100% right Thank You so much!!!

To determine the unresolved conflict in the novel "Dragonwings" by Laurence Yep, we need to analyze the story's plot. The main conflict in the book revolves around the young protagonist, Moon Shadow, who journeys from China to America to join his father, Windrider. Together, they face numerous challenges in San Francisco's Chinatown, including the discrimination and prejudice they encounter while trying to establish themselves in their new homeland.

Throughout the novel, Moon Shadow and Windrider work towards their shared dream of building a flying machine, which becomes a symbol of their determination and the hope for a better future. However, although their dream is partially fulfilled when they successfully construct the flying machine, called the dragonwings, there is still an unresolved conflict at the end.

The primary unresolved conflict in "Dragonwings" is Moon Shadow's struggle to reconcile his Chinese heritage with his American identity. Moon Shadow experiences a cultural clash, torn between honoring his family's traditions and embracing the American way of life. He grapples with questions of identity, belonging, and cultural assimilation.

While Moon Shadow manages to adapt to American customs and acquires knowledge of English and Western culture, this internal conflict remains unresolved at the end. Yep leaves it open-ended, allowing readers to interpret and reflect upon Moon Shadow's ongoing journey of self-discovery and the challenges associated with a bicultural identity.

Therefore, the unresolved conflict in "Dragonwings" lies in Moon Shadow's internal struggle to reconcile his Chinese heritage with his American identity. The novel leaves it up to readers to imagine how the character will resolve this conflict in the future.




nope these answers didn't help