Draw Inferences

What events influenced the growth of environmental movement in the United States? Why did the environmental movement attract many of the same people who had participated in other movements? Do you think the environmental movement has had a positive or negative effect on the United States?

Can you rephrase this? Its way too confusing for me to understand.

Take each sentence one at a time.

What events influenced the growth of environmental movement in the United States?

Why did the environmental movement attract many of the same people who had participated in other movements?

Do you think the environmental movement has had a positive or negative effect on the United States?

Now, which of these questions are still confusing to you?

Now the questions are pretty clear. I just don't know what to write for each of them. Can you help me?

What were you assigned to read in order to answer these questions?

Certainly! Here's a simplified version of your question:

1. What factors contributed to the growth of the environmental movement in the United States?
2. Why did individuals involved in other social movements also get attracted to the environmental movement?
3. In your opinion, has the environmental movement had a positive or negative impact on the United States?

Let me know if there's anything else I can help with!