The area of the living room is 162 ft2. What are the length and width if the width is twice the length

W = 2L

W * L = 162

2L * L = 162

Solve for L then W.

Write an equation to represent the relationship between x, the width of the room, and y, the area of the room if the area is 80, the wits th is unknown and the length is 10

Let's call the length of the living room "L" and the width "W". Given that the area of the living room is 162 ft² and the width is twice the length, we can set up the following equations:

1) Area = Length × Width
2) Width = 2 × Length

We can substitute the value of the width from equation 2 into equation 1 to solve for the length:

162 = Length × (2 × Length)

To simplify this equation, we can distribute the length:

162 = 2 × Length²

Now, let's solve for Length² by dividing both sides of the equation by 2:

81 = Length²

Taking the square root of both sides, we find:

Length = ±9

Since length cannot be negative in this context, we'll take the positive value:

Length = 9 ft

To find the width, we can substitute this value back into equation 2:

Width = 2 × Length
Width = 2 × 9
Width = 18 ft

Therefore, the length of the living room is 9 ft and the width is 18 ft.