Which of the following sentences contains a redundancy?

A. Chris had trouble working up even mild enthusiasm for Mike's plan.
B. Steve admired the partially completed stadium.
C. Emily's sister gave birth to a pair of twins.
D. At no time did Tony indicate a willingness to admit defeat.

My answer is C


To determine which of the sentences contains a redundancy, we need to understand what redundancy means in this context. Redundancy refers to the unnecessary repetition of words or information within a sentence. It can make the sentence wordy or include redundant elements that do not contribute to the overall meaning.

Let's analyze each sentence to identify any redundancies:

A. "Chris had trouble working up even mild enthusiasm for Mike's plan." - This sentence does not contain any obvious redundancies. It presents the information in a concise manner without repetition.

B. "Steve admired the partially completed stadium." - This sentence does not contain any redundancies. It provides a clear description of Steve's admiration for the partially completed stadium without repetition.

C. "Emily's sister gave birth to a pair of twins." - This sentence does not have any redundancy. It describes the occurrence of Emily's sister giving birth to two babies, which are commonly referred to as twins. The inclusion of the word "pair" is not redundant, as it specifies the number of twins.

D. "At no time did Tony indicate a willingness to admit defeat." - This sentence contains a redundancy. The phrase "at no time" is redundant because the word "did" already indicates a negative form of past tense, implying that Tony never indicated willingness to admit defeat.

Therefore, the correct answer is D.