A political communication that uses a picture to represent something else is an example of ______.

A. bias

B. prejudice

C. propaganda

D. symbolism

I think the answer is D.

Student/Maria -- please use the same name for your posts.

D is correct.


Thank u

You are correct! The correct answer is D. symbolism.

Symbolism refers to the use of symbols, such as images or objects, to represent or convey a certain meaning or idea. In the context of political communication, the use of a picture to represent something else is a form of symbolism. This technique can be employed to evoke certain emotions or convey a specific message to the audience.

To arrive at the answer, you can analyze the description provided and eliminate the choices that do not fit. In this case, options A, B, and C (bias, prejudice, and propaganda) do not specifically address the concept of using pictures to represent something else, making them incorrect options. D. symbolism, on the other hand, aligns perfectly with the given description, making it the correct choice.