Karl bought a tennis racket at a 1/3 off sale. the regular price of the racket was $45.75. how much did karl pay for the racket?

My answer: $30.65 is what Karl paid for the racket, am i right?


What is 1/3 of 45.75?

Subtract that from the regular price.

I still GET $30.65

(1/3) * 45.75 = 45.75/3 = 15.25

45.75 - 15.25 = 30.50

my teacher told me to use .33

Using the fraction is more accurate.

If you want to use a decimal, use 0.3333333

That will give you about the same result as the fraction.

To verify if your answer is correct, let's calculate the amount Karl paid for the tennis racket.

We know that the regular price of the racket was $45.75. If there was a 1/3 off sale, it means the price was reduced by one-third.

To calculate the discount, we need to find one-third of $45.75. We can do this by dividing the regular price by 3:

$45.75 / 3 = $15.25

So the discount amount is $15.25.

To calculate the amount Karl paid, we subtract the discount from the regular price:

$45.75 - $15.25 = $30.50

Therefore, Karl paid $30.50 for the tennis racket, not $30.65.

Please note that prices are rounded to two decimal places for clarity, so the final answer is $30.50.