Together, Larry and Moe scored less than 25 points in the basketball game. If Larry scored 8 points, how many points P did Moe score?

I need help finding the answer/understanding the question.

8 + P < 25

P < 17

To find the number of points Moe scored, we need to subtract Larry's score from the total score.

The question tells us that Larry scored 8 points. Let's assume Moe's score is P.

Together, Larry and Moe scored less than 25 points, so their total score is less than 25. Mathematically, this can be expressed as:

Larry's score (8) + Moe's score (P) < 25

Adding the scores together:

8 + P < 25

To isolate P (Moe's score), we need to get rid of the 8 on the left side of the inequality. We can do this by subtracting 8 from both sides:

8 + P - 8 < 25 - 8


P < 17

Therefore, Moe's score, represented by P, is less than 17 points.