Hi, Please help me to this question would prove less than 10 hours

Athens has a population of n ,m club with any club membership is an even number and the number of members of both clubs to prove and show m<n

To prove that the number of members in both clubs, m, is less than the population of Athens, n, within less than 10 hours, we can use a simple logical approach. Here's how:

1. Start by assuming that the number of members in both clubs, m, is greater than or equal to the population of Athens, n. This will be our initial assumption.

2. To prove that this assumption is incorrect, we need to find a contradiction. In other words, we need to find evidence or a logical argument that shows m cannot be greater than or equal to n.

3. Consider the fact that the number of members in each club is an even number. Let's call the number of members in the first club x, and the number of members in the second club y. Since both x and y are even numbers, we can express them as x = 2a and y = 2b, where a and b are positive integers.

4. Now, let's assume that both clubs have the maximum possible number of members, meaning x = n/2 and y = n/2. Since the number of members in both clubs cannot exceed the population of Athens, this is the highest possible number of members.

5. Applying this assumption, we have m = x + y = (n/2) + (n/2) = n.

6. This result contradicts our initial assumption because we initially assumed that m is greater than or equal to n. However, our new equation shows that m is equal to n, which means that m cannot be greater than n.

7. Therefore, we have successfully proven that m (the number of members in both clubs) is always less than the population of Athens, n.

To summarize, by using a logical approach and assuming the maximum possible number of members in both clubs, we have proven that m is always less than n. This proof can be conducted within 10 hours by following the steps outlined above.