Liz has 2 books of 100 stamps with 6 left over. Chelsea has 3 books of 100 stamps with 8 left over. If they put all their stamps together, how many stamps will they have?

(2 * 100) + (3 * 100) + 6 + 8 = ?

Thanks! I thought so but that just seemed so simple too me. I thought there was a catch to it.


You're welcome.


To find the total number of stamps Liz and Chelsea will have when they put them together, we need to add up the number of stamps each of them have.

Liz has 2 books of 100 stamps, so she has a total of 2 * 100 = 200 stamps.

Additionally, Liz has 6 stamps left over, which we can add to the total. So Liz has a total of 200 + 6 = 206 stamps.

Chelsea has 3 books of 100 stamps, so she has a total of 3 * 100 = 300 stamps.

Chelsea also has 8 stamps left over, which we can add to the total. So Chelsea has a total of 300 + 8 = 308 stamps.

To find the total number of stamps they will have when they put them together, we need to add Liz's and Chelsea's totals: 206 + 308 = 514.

Therefore, when Liz and Chelsea put all their stamps together, they will have a total of 514 stamps.