In the metaphor of language as a layer cake given in your study unit, which of the following words could be considered to be a frosting word? 

A. Prescient
B. Frequently
C. Honestly
D. Occasionally

My sis told me it's C,I have no idea.

I don't know how your study unit used the layer cake metaphor, but I doubt if C is the answer.

Go back and study that unit again.

To determine which word could be considered a "frosting word" in the metaphor of language as a layer cake, we first need to understand what a frosting word represents. In the metaphor, frosting words are used to add flavor and creativity to the language. They are often descriptive, vivid, and add depth to the overall meaning of a sentence.

Now let's analyze the options:

A. Prescient: This word means having knowledge of events before they occur. Although it may add complexity to a sentence, it does not necessarily add the creative or descriptive aspects typically associated with frosting words.

B. Frequently: This word describes something that happens often or at regular intervals. While it may be useful in conveying information, it does not have the same creative or descriptive qualities as frosting words.

C. Honestly: This word is used to express truthfulness or sincerity. It can add depth and emotion to a sentence, making it a strong candidate for a frosting word.

D. Occasionally: This word indicates something happening from time to time, but it does not invoke vivid images or creative elements that are often present in frosting words.

Based on the analysis, it appears that option C, "Honestly," could be considered the frosting word among the given options. It adds an emotive and descriptive quality to a sentence, enhancing its meaning and making it more engaging to the reader or listener.