Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of literary modernism?

Captured the complexities of modern life

Highlighted the alienation of the individual in the modern world.

Focused only on wealthy and privileged lifestyles

Told stories from multiple perspectives and in different voices

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its c for sure

C is correct.

To determine which of the given options is NOT a characteristic of literary modernism, we can examine each option individually and assess whether it aligns with the characteristics of literary modernism.

1. "Captured the complexities of modern life": This is indeed a characteristic of literary modernism. Modernist literature often reflected the rapid changes and complexities of modern society.

2. "Highlighted the alienation of the individual in the modern world": This is also a characteristic of literary modernism. Many modernist works emphasized the sense of isolation and disconnection felt by individuals in the face of new technologies and societal changes.

3. "Focused only on wealthy and privileged lifestyles": This option does not align with the characteristics of literary modernism. In fact, modernist literature often sought to challenge the traditional focus on the wealthy elite and instead depicted a wider range of social backgrounds and perspectives.

4. "Told stories from multiple perspectives and in different voices": This is another characteristic of literary modernism. Modernist writers experimented with narrative techniques, such as stream of consciousness and multiple narrators, in order to present a more fragmented and diverse view of reality.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that the option "Focused only on wealthy and privileged lifestyles" is NOT a characteristic of literary modernism.