Bowl A and Bowl B are filled with the same amount of water. Bowl A is covered in plastic wrap. Both bowls are left on a counter. The water level is checked in both bowls after 1 week. What is the independent variable? PLEASE HELP.

the cover on the bowls

Really? Why?

bowl a and bowl b are filled same amount

The independent variable is the factor that is manipulated or changed in an experiment in order to observe its effect on the dependent variable. In this scenario, the independent variable is not explicitly mentioned, but we can deduce that it is the presence or absence of plastic wrap on the bowls.

To determine the effect of plastic wrap on the water level in the bowls, the experimenters deliberately covered Bowl A with plastic wrap while leaving Bowl B uncovered. By changing this single factor, they can observe any differences in the water level between the two bowls after one week. Therefore, the independent variable in this case is the presence or absence of plastic wrap on the bowls.