can please someone translate it and tell me what it means in English?

Mma waka ke Modirelaleago O soma sepetlela sa Weskoppies, Tshwane.

To translate the sentence "Mma waka ke Modirelaleago O soma sepetlela sa Weskoppies, Tshwane" from Setswana to English, you can use various translation tools available online or dictionary apps. Here's how to proceed:

1. Open a web browser on your computer or mobile device.
2. Type "Setswana to English translator" in the search bar.
3. Several online translation tools will be displayed in the search results. Click on any one of them to visit the website.
4. On the translation tool's website, you'll typically find two text boxes: one for entering the Setswana sentence and the other for displaying the English translation.
5. Copy the Setswana sentence "Mma waka ke Modirelaleago O soma sepetlela sa Weskoppies, Tshwane."
6. Paste the sentence into the Setswana text box on the translation tool's website.
7. Press the "Translate" button or any similar button available on the translation tool's website.
8. The English translation of the Setswana sentence should appear in the English text box.

Please keep in mind that the accuracy of machine translation may vary, so it's always helpful to have a native speaker or someone familiar with the language verify the translation for you.