Which resource makes up a quarter of Chile`s exports




I'm thinking it's copper but I'm not sure.


To determine which resource makes up a quarter of Chile's exports, we can look at official data and statistics. One reliable source is the Chilean government's official website or the International Trade Centre (ITC) database. However, for the sake of this explanation, let's assume we don't have immediate access to such sources.

To proceed, we can search for recent articles or reports from reputable news sources, economic websites, or international organizations. A simple internet search using keywords like "Chile exports composition" or "Chile exports by resource" can provide valuable information.

Once you have found a trustworthy source, look for the most recent data on Chile's exports and the quantity or percentage for each resource. In this case, we are looking for the resource that accounts for a quarter or 25% of Chile's exports.

By analyzing the available data, we can determine the correct answer. In this case, the answer is "3) copper." Copper is a significant natural resource in Chile, and it constitutes a large portion of the country's export income.

Remember, when searching for accurate information, it is essential to rely on credible sources, verify the data from multiple sources, and ensure you are using the most up-to-date information available.