A cone has a diameter of 24 in. and a height of 10in. What is the volume of s cone? use 3.14 as an approximation.. final answer in tenths

- Im stuck between two answers: 94.25 because if I do 3 x 10 to find the volume. I say 3 because the diameter is 24 in., also 8 x 3 equals 24. Or 41.89 because 2 x 10 to find the volume. Since 12 x 2 equals 24.. i thought of 2!

Please help!

Clearly you need to review your shapes and their volumes.

v = pi/3 r^2 h
r=12 and h=10, so

v = 3.14/3 * 12^2 * 10 = 1507.2 in^3

To find the volume of a cone, you can use the formula V = (1/3)πr²h, where V is the volume, π is approximately 3.14, r is the radius, and h is the height.

First, you need to find the radius of the cone. The diameter is given as 24 inches, and the radius is half of the diameter, so the radius is 24/2 = 12 inches.

Now, substitute the values into the formula:
V = (1/3) x 3.14 x (12)² x 10
V = (1/3) x 3.14 x 144 x 10
V = 1.047 x 1440
V = 1505.28

Since you want the final answer in tenths, you should round the result to the nearest tenth. In this case, the value is already in tenths, so the final answer is 1505.3 cubic inches.

Therefore, the correct answer is 1505.3 cubic inches, not 94.25 or 41.89.