
What is your question?


The expression you provided is a polynomial expression. To simplify it, we can factor out common terms if possible or look for any patterns in the expression.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Since there are no common terms in the expression, we cannot factor anything out.

2. However, we notice that the given expression can be written in the form of a sum of cubes. The sum of two cubes formula states that: a³ + b³ = (a + b)(a² - ab + b²).

In our expression, we can see that:
a = 2x, b = y and c = 3√z.

So we have: (2x)³ + y³ + (3√z)³ - 3(2x)(y)(3√z)

3. Now we can apply the sum of cubes formula:

(2x)³ + y³ + (3√z)³ - 3(2x)(y)(3√z)
= (2x + y + 3√z)(4x² - 2xy + y² + 9z - 6xz + 9yz)

So the simplified form of the expression 8x³ + y³ + 27z³ - 18xyz is (2x + y + 3√z)(4x² - 2xy + y² + 9z - 6xz + 9yz).