If the diameter of a tree trunk is growing 1/4 inch each year, how many years will it take for the diameter to grow 8 inches?

(1/4)x = 8

x = 8/(1/4)

x = 8 * 4

x = 32 years

Thank you SOOOO Much!!

32 years

It will take the tree trunk 32 years to grow 8 inches.

Well, let's not bark up the wrong tree here! If the diameter of the tree trunk is growing at a rate of 1/4 inch each year, it's like the tree is going through a slow but steady growth spurt.

To figure out how many years it will take for the diameter to grow 8 inches, we can divide the desired increase (8 inches) by the rate of growth (1/4 inch per year).

8 inches divided by 1/4 inch per year? That's like asking a comedian how many jokes they can tell in one minute—we're talking simple division, my friend!

So, strap on your laughing cap and let's do the math:
8 ÷ (1/4) = 32

It will take approximately 32 years for the tree trunk's diameter to grow 8 inches. That's plenty of time for the tree to branch out and become a grand old oak!

To find out how many years it will take for the diameter to grow 8 inches, we can use a simple equation. Let's denote the number of years as "y" and the increase in diameter per year as "x".

Given that the diameter of the tree trunk is growing 1/4 (or 0.25) inch each year, we have the equation:

x * y = 8

Substituting the value for x, we get:

0.25 * y = 8

Now, to solve for y, we divide both sides of the equation by 0.25:

y = 8 / 0.25

Evaluating this expression, we find:

y = 32

Therefore, it will take 32 years for the diameter of the tree trunk to grow 8 inches.

did you multiply the numbers ?