If you are looking at the horizon, you can determine the distance you are from the horizon in miles, D, from a height, h, in feet by the equation of D = . If you are standing on a mountain top that is 12,000 feet in elevation, how far are you from the horizon?

mmmhhh, didn't you post this same question this morning.

I told you what the problem was, and you did nothing about it


Two pipes can be used to fill a pool, working together the two pipes can fill the pool in six hours. The larger pipe can fill the pool in three hours less time than the smaller pipe can alone. Find the time to the nearest tenth of an hour it takes for the smaller pipe working alone to fill the pool?

To determine the distance from the horizon, we'll use the equation: D = √(2Rh + h^2), where R is the radius of the Earth (approximately 3,959 miles), and h is the height above the Earth's surface.

Given that the height, h, is 12,000 feet, we can substitute these values into the equation:

D = √(2 * 3959 * 12000 + 12000^2)

D = √(2 * 3959 * 12000 + 144000000)

After calculating this expression, we find that D ≈ 143.8 miles.

Therefore, standing on a mountain top that is 12,000 feet in elevation, you would be approximately 143.8 miles away from the horizon.