The mailperson's job is to put the envelop's in every mailbox on the block

Word used in correct every

Which one do you think is wrong?


You're right.

It should be envelopes.

The word used incorrectly in the sentence is "envelop's." To understand why this is incorrect, we need to look at the use of apostrophes.

Apostrophes are commonly used to indicate possession or contractions. In this case, "envelop's" suggests that something belongs to the envelopes or that they possess something. However, it is a plural noun, and we don't typically use apostrophes to make plurals.

To correct the sentence, we should use "envelopes" without the apostrophe. So the corrected sentence would be:

"The mailperson's job is to put the envelopes in every mailbox on the block."

In this sentence, "mailperson's" is correct because it indicates that the job belongs to the mailperson. "Every" and "block" are also used correctly to convey the idea that the mailperson must deliver the envelopes to each mailbox on the entire block.