A new pesticide that inhibits egg cell development in cockroaches is being widely used in U.S. homes. As predicted, a number of common cockroaches initially declined but is now more common than it was before the pesticide was introduced. Which of the following is most likely true about this species of cockroach?

A. The surviving species has learned how to avoid the pesticide
B. This species had a lot of genetic diversity before the pesticide was introduced
C.This cockroach species was probably the most evolved species in the US
D. This cockroach species got used to the pesticide and has learned to live with the chemical.

I'm thinking D?

ugh it's not a bad word it's just cockroach

:-) You've discovered a common peculiarity of our screening software.

D is the best answer.

Haha thank you Ms. Sue!

You're welcome.

To determine the most likely answer, let's analyze the given information.

The new pesticide inhibits egg cell development in cockroaches, which means it hinders their ability to reproduce. As a result, a number of common cockroaches initially declined. However, it is now more common than it was before the pesticide was introduced.

Based on this, we can eliminate options C and D. The increased population of this cockroach species suggests that it has not gone extinct or been outcompeted by other species. Therefore, option A, which suggests that the surviving species has learned how to avoid the pesticide, seems unlikely.

This leaves us with option B, which states that this species had a lot of genetic diversity before the pesticide was introduced. Genetic diversity can improve a species' ability to adapt to changing environments. It is possible that some individuals within the species had genetic traits that allowed them to survive and reproduce despite the pesticide's effects. Over time, these individuals would pass on their advantageous traits to the next generation, leading to an increase in the population of this particular cockroach species.

Therefore, the most likely true statement about this species of cockroach is that it had a lot of genetic diversity before the pesticide was introduced (option B).