I need help understanding the directions for this essay response in 9th grade English B Unit 3. Its worth ten points and I really want to score all ten!!!

It really cant go over a page because there is a character limit.
I need to get this done right now.
The questions is...
20.) Identify one of the darker actions examined in a story or drama from this unit. In what piece is the action highlighted? What intentions or emotions prompt the action? How would the story or drama change if the character involved were able to overcome the darker impulse and indulge a higher intention? Explain.

I need you to do two things:
1.) rephrase the question for slow person like me to understand.
2.)help me put it together/write it (I'm not asking you do to it for me! I just need a walkthrough)

My story/drama that I chose to do this on is called The Lottery by Shirley Jackson.

If you have never read this story can you please read these two summaries (you don't have to read both if its too much) to be able to help me better?

Jishka wont allow me to post the links so I'll try to put them in the comments! If that doesn't work google:

"The Lottery Shirley Jackson Spark notes"


"Shmoop The lottery summary"

I hope this doesn't seem like I'm asking for a lot but I am truly willing to work I just need a bit of guidance.

Anyone D;

Okay, do you know what a "darker moment" is? It's something sinister or frightening or otherwise negative. I think you can find one in the story.

"In what piece is the action highlighted?" I don't know what the question means by "piece." I GUESS it means where in the story. At what point in the action.

"What emotions..." seems pretty straightforward. What prompts the action, why does he or she feel that way?

That depends on which "darker" action or event you choose. If the character reacted with less fear or resentment, how would the story be different?


I hope it helps.

But for the second question "In what piece is the action highlighted?" I am still confused about what it means. Do I need to name a specific part/paragraph?

In the Lottery I think the only innocent person is the main character. I feel like if she changed they way she acted the story would remain the same, but I'm not sure if I should state that in my essay.

and for the last question "How would the story or drama change if the character involved were able to overcome the darker impulse and indulge a higher intention"

Can you break that question down? It looks like complete gibberish to me

THANK YOU!!! This makes a bit more sense now.

1.) Rephrasing the question: In a story or drama from this unit, find and analyze one dark action. Explain which piece of literature highlights this action and what emotions or intentions drive the character to engage in it. Then, imagine how the story or drama would change if the character resisted their dark impulses and acted on a higher intention.

2.) Writing the essay response:

Title: The Lottery: Examining Dark Impulses and the Power of Higher Intentions

In Shirley Jackson's short story, "The Lottery," a gripping examination of the darker aspects of human nature unfolds within a seemingly ordinary small town. This response aims to identify and analyze one of the darker actions portrayed in the story, explore the emotions and intentions driving the characters involved, and speculate on how the narrative would change if the characters resisted their dark impulses and embraced higher intentions.


1. Identifying the Dark Action:
In "The Lottery," the darker action that stands out is the collective stoning of an innocent member of the town. During the annual lottery, a seemingly harmless tradition, the townspeople choose a random citizen to be stoned to death in a graphic display of group violence and brutality. This action symbolizes the conformity and blind obedience to tradition within the community, despite its obviously dark consequences.

2. Highlighted Piece of Literature:
"The Lottery" is the piece of literature that highlights this dark action. Through Jackson's masterful storytelling, she creates an atmosphere of normalcy and routine, cleverly concealing the underlying perversity of the tradition until the shocking climax unravels.

3. Emotions and Intentions Prompting the Action:
The emotions and intentions that prompt the collective stoning are deeply rooted in fear, tradition, and a twisted concept of sacrifice. The townspeople, driven by their fear of change and desire to uphold tradition, blindly follow the barbaric custom of sacrificing one of their own. Their intentions are misguided, as they believe that the ritual ensures a bountiful harvest and the prosperity of the community.

4. Impact of Resisting Dark Impulses:
If the character involved in "The Lottery" were able to overcome the darker impulse and indulge a higher intention, the story would take a drastically different turn. By questioning the tradition and promoting empathy, compassion, and critical thinking, the character could spark a rebellion against the lottery. This would lead to a more enlightened community, free from the cycle of violence and the oppression of sinister traditions.

In "The Lottery," Shirley Jackson crafts a chilling narrative that confronts the darker inclinations of human nature. Through our examination of the dark action of collective stoning and the emotional and intentional motivations behind it, we can appreciate the power of resistance and the potential for change. By imagining a scenario where the character acts on a higher intention, we recognize the transformative impact such a choice could have within the story, leading to a brighter, more compassionate society.

Remember, the success of your essay not only depends on following the steps provided but also on expressing your own thoughts and insights using evidence from the text. Good luck with your assignment, and feel free to ask any further questions if needed!