2. Explain the metaphor:

If Sam describes his commute home by saying the interstate was "a parking lot" he means

he couldn't get out of the parking lot.

he made it home in record time.

the congestion was so bad that the traffic was barely moving.*

3. Explain the metaphor:

If Robert missed his deadline because he was juggling too many
balls in the air, he

dropped one of the balls.

is not managing his tasks very well*

needs more work and less time

Can you help me understand? Thank You!

You're right.

Thanks..I got them right

Of course! Metaphors are figures of speech that create a comparison between two unrelated things, often to convey a deeper meaning or make a point. Let's break down the metaphors in the given sentences:

2. In the first sentence, Sam describes his commute home by saying the interstate was "a parking lot." Here, the metaphor suggests that the traffic congestion on the interstate was so bad that it resembled a parking lot, meaning that the traffic was barely moving. The correct answer is "the congestion was so bad that the traffic was barely moving."

3. In the second sentence, Robert missed his deadline because he was "juggling too many balls in the air." This metaphor implies that Robert had taken on too many tasks or responsibilities, similar to how a juggler juggles multiple balls simultaneously. It suggests that Robert was unable to handle or manage all the tasks effectively. The correct answer is "is not managing his tasks very well."

By understanding and interpreting these metaphors, we can grasp the intended meaning beyond the literal words used in the sentences. I hope this explanation helps!