The United States' involvement in Afghanistan is an example of which kind of foreign policy approach?






To determine the correct answer, we'll need to understand the different foreign policy approaches and then analyze the United States' involvement in Afghanistan.

1. Intervention: This foreign policy approach involves actively getting involved in the affairs of another country, usually to promote a specific interest or to prevent a negative outcome. It often includes military intervention.

2. Isolation: This foreign policy approach is characterized by a country maintaining a policy of avoiding alliances with other nations and minimizing its involvement in international affairs.

3. Diplomacy: This foreign policy approach focuses on using negotiations, dialogue, and peaceful means to resolve conflicts and maintain relationships with other countries. It emphasizes diplomacy and building partnerships.

4. Imperialism: Imperialism is a policy wherein a country extends its power and influence through economic, political, or military control over other nations or territories. It typically involves the exploitation of resources, territory, or people to benefit the imperial power.

Analyzing the United States' involvement in Afghanistan, it can be seen as an example of intervention rather than imperialism. The United States initially intervened in Afghanistan in 2001 in response to the 9/11 attacks, aiming to remove the Taliban regime and disrupt terrorist networks. The intervention involved military operations, the establishment of a new government, and ongoing efforts to stabilize the country. The goal was to promote security and prevent future terrorist attacks, rather than seeking long-term territorial control or economic benefits, which are more aligned with imperialism. Therefore, the correct answer is intervention.


Be sure you understand the meanings of those words.