Setting standards for educational achievement and success is an example of which kind of policy?


Right! :-)


To determine the answer to this question, we can start by examining the options provided: economic, foreign, security, and domestic.

Economic policies typically focus on issues related to the economy, such as taxes, trade, and employment. While there might be some indirect economic implications to setting educational standards, it is not primarily an economic policy.

Foreign policies deal with a country's relations with other nations, including diplomacy, trade negotiations, and international agreements. Setting educational standards primarily affects the country's own education system and is not directly related to foreign policy.

Security policies are concerned with protecting a country's citizens and borders from threats, both internal and external. While there might be arguments for setting educational standards as a part of national security to ensure a well-educated workforce for national defense and stability, it is not typically categorized as a security policy.

Lastly, domestic policies refer to internal policies focused on governing a country's affairs within its own borders. Setting standards for educational achievement and success is an example of a domestic policy, as it directly pertains to the internal system of education within the country.

Therefore, the correct answer is domestic.