which of the following is the stongest oxidizing agent? 1.NaBiO3, 2. K2Cr2O7, 3. KMnO4, 4. PbO2


Look up the redox potential of each and note that the problem SHOULD have specified acid or basic conditions.


To determine the strongest oxidizing agent among the given options (NaBiO3, K2Cr2O7, KMnO4, PbO2), we need to understand the concept of oxidation and reduction in chemistry.

Oxidizing agents are substances that cause other substances to undergo oxidation. Oxidation involves the loss of electrons, causing an increase in the oxidation state of an element. In simple terms, an oxidizing agent is a substance that accepts electrons from another substance, which gets oxidized in the process.

To identify the strongest oxidizing agent, we need to check which substance has the highest tendency to accept electrons from other substances.

One way to determine this is by comparing oxidation numbers. In general, an element with a higher positive oxidation number is a stronger oxidizing agent.

Here's how you can determine the answer:

1. NaBiO3: The oxidation number of sodium (Na) is +1, bismuth (Bi) is +5, and oxygen (O) is -2. Since bismuth has a lower positive oxidation number compared to the other options, NaBiO3 is not the strongest oxidizing agent.

2. K2Cr2O7: The oxidation number of potassium (K) is +1, chromium (Cr) is +6, and oxygen (O) is -2. Chromium, in this case, has a positive oxidation number higher than bismuth, making K2Cr2O7 a stronger oxidizing agent than NaBiO3.

3. KMnO4: The oxidation number of potassium (K) is +1, manganese (Mn) is +7, and oxygen (O) is -2. Manganese, with an oxidation number of +7, has the highest positive oxidation number among the given options, indicating that KMnO4 is a strong oxidizing agent.

4. PbO2: The oxidation number of lead (Pb) is +4, and oxygen (O) is -2. Compared to the other options, lead has a relatively lower positive oxidation number, suggesting that PbO2 is not the strongest oxidizing agent.

Based on the comparison of oxidation numbers, the compound with the highest positive oxidation number among the given options is KMnO4. Therefore, KMnO4 is the strongest oxidizing agent in the list.

Remember, understanding oxidation numbers and their relationships to redox reactions is crucial in determining the strength of oxidizing or reducing agents.