These were recordings that I had to interpret and decide whether they are Past, Present, or future.

I'm not sure on the first one which form it is I was hoping you could help me decide which sounds better. Thank you.

1. Se (celebra/Celebré) La feria de Abril cara primavera en la ciudad de Sevilla.
Answer: Present/Past

2. Las mujeres sevillanas llevaban trajes de flamenco que las clases altas.
Answer: Past

3. Triga un paraguas y un impermeable lloviendo y no quiero que te pongas como una.
Answer: Present

4. No vendrá la tormenta creo que estará despejado y soleado todo el fin de semana.
Answer: Future

5. Tenía mucho miedo hablá relámpagos y truenos muy fuertes.
Answer: Past

6. Qué calor que hace estar criando y no hay ni una nube en el cielo.
Answer: Present

7. Las noticas dicen que vamos a tener un chubasco tendrás que escuchar la precisión antes de ir al aero puerto.
Answer: Future

I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.

1. Present because it happens every year. This is the Passive Voice = it is celebrated...

2. correct but the entire sentence is not correct

3. That first word is probably "Traiga" and that is a command

4. correct

5. correct

6. correct

7. correct

I'll flag this and come back later to see if you have additional questions.



To determine the correct form (Present, Past, or Future) for each sentence, you can analyze the verb tenses used in the sentences. Let's go through each sentence and identify the verb tenses.

1. Se (celebra/Celebré) La feria de Abril cara primavera en la ciudad de Sevilla.
In this sentence, the verb "celebra" indicates the present tense, while "celebré" indicates the past tense. Without any additional context, it is not clear which form is more appropriate. You would need more information to determine the correct verb tense.

2. Las mujeres sevillanas llevaban trajes de flamenco que las clases altas.
In this sentence, the verb "llevaban" indicates the past tense. Therefore, the correct form is Past.

3. Triga un paraguas y un impermeable lloviendo y no quiero que te pongas como una.
In this sentence, the verb "triga" is not a recognized verb form. It seems to be a typo or error. Without a correct verb form, it is not possible to determine the verb tense.

4. No vendrá la tormenta creo que estará despejado y soleado todo el fin de semana.
In this sentence, the verb "vendrá" indicates the future tense. Therefore, the correct form is Future.

5. Tenía mucho miedo hablá relámpagos y truenos muy fuertes.
In this sentence, the verb "tenía" indicates the past tense. Therefore, the correct form is Past.

6. Qué calor que hace estar criando y no hay ni una nube en el cielo.
In this sentence, the verb "hace" indicates the present tense. Therefore, the correct form is Present.

7. Las noticas dicen que vamos a tener un chubasco tendrás que escuchar la precisión antes de ir al aero puerto.
In this sentence, the verb "tendrás" indicates the future tense. Therefore, the correct form is Future.

Please note that for some sentences, it was not possible to determine the correct verb tense due to errors or missing information.