Mr. Jones always gives True/False tests to his class. His tests always have 20 ques-

tions. The maximum class size is 35. He needs a program that will calculate the stu-
dents’ grades based on the best score.


A will range from the best score, to the best score minus 2.

B will range from the best score minus 3, to the best score minus 4.

C will range from the best score minus 5, to the best score minus 6.

D will range from the best score minus 7, to the best score minus 8.

F will be anything below the best score minus 8.

Each student’s ID and test answers will be entered. The output will be each stu-
dent’s ID, number correct, and grade, along with the single highest score for the

class. Develop a solution for Mr. Jones’s problem. Use four one-dimensional

arrays—one for the correct scores and the other three for the needed output.

Do you really expect someone to do this assignment for you?

To solve Mr. Jones's problem, we can follow these steps:

1. Declare four one-dimensional arrays:
- `correctScores` to store the correct scores for each question.
- `studentIDs` to store the ID of each student.
- `numCorrect` to store the number of correct answers for each student.
- `grades` to store the calculated grade for each student.

2. Initialize variables to keep track of the best score and the index of the student with the best score. Set the initial best score to 0.

3. Create a loop that prompts the teacher to enter the test answers for each question and stores them in the `correctScores` array.

4. Create a loop that prompts the teacher to enter the student ID and their test answers. For each student, calculate the number of correct answers by comparing their answers with the correct answers stored in the `correctScores` array.

5. Update the variables for the best score and the index of the student with the best score if the current student's score is higher.

6. Once all students' scores have been calculated, determine the grade for each student based on the best score:
- Calculate the range for each grade category based on the best score.
- Use conditional statements to assign the appropriate grade range to each student's score.

7. Print the output for each student, including their ID, number of correct answers, and assigned grade.

8. Print the single highest score for the class, which is the best score obtained.

Here's an example code in Python:

correctScores = []
studentIDs = []
numCorrect = []
grades = []

# Step 3: Enter the correct answers
print("Enter the correct answers for each question:")
for i in range(20):
answer = input("Question {}: ".format(i+1))

bestScore = 0
bestScoreIndex = -1

# Step 4: Enter student IDs and test answers
numStudents = int(input("Enter the number of students: "))
for i in range(numStudents):
studentID = input("Enter student ID: ")

score = 0
print("Enter the answers for student ID {}: ".format(studentID))
for j in range(20):
answer = input("Question {}: ".format(j+1))
if answer == correctScores[j]:
score += 1

grades.append('F') # Initialize grade to F

# Step 5: Update the best score
if score > bestScore:
bestScore = score
bestScoreIndex = i

# Step 6: Assign grades based on the best score
bestScoreRange = bestScore - 8
grades[bestScoreIndex] = 'A' # Best score gets grade A

for i in range(numStudents):
if grades[i] == 'F':
if numCorrect[i] >= bestScoreRange:
grades[i] = 'D'
elif numCorrect[i] >= bestScoreRange - 2:
grades[i] = 'C'
elif numCorrect[i] >= bestScoreRange - 4:
grades[i] = 'B'

# Step 7: Print student information
print("Student ID: {}".format(studentIDs[i]))
print("Number correct: {}".format(numCorrect[i]))
print("Grade: {}".format(grades[i]))

# Step 8: Print the single highest score for the class
print("Single highest score for the class: {}".format(bestScore))

Note: This code assumes that the answers provided by the teacher and the students are stored as strings, and the correct answers are case-sensitive. You can modify the code according to your needs, such as adding input validation or formatting the output differently.